Archive for November 2013

The Day of the Doctor Review

A record number of 77 million people tuned in to watched the 50th anniversary special of Doctor Who on Saturday. 77 million people, that's enough people to fill a country! And I think that this just shows the power of Doctor Who, that it's not just a TV Show. No, it's the longest running TV Show, a show that grips viewers and sometimes inspires others. The review that follows is not a critical analysis of the episode, but rather a breakdown of what happened from a loving fan.

The Day of the Doctor
Written by: Steven Moffat
Directed by: Nick Hurran

Right from the beginning we get a nod to the first episode of the classic series with not one, but if I'm counting right four references. The episode begins with the title sequence from the very first episode. On a bit of a sidetrack, the effect used for this is called howlround and it is created by pointing a TV camera at a monitor showing its on output. And the result is what we saw here. It's strangely mysterious and gives the impression of something terrifying. Which is what Doctor Who is. The other references were the sign saying 76 Totter's Lane which is a junkyard that the Doctor used park his TARDIS and in its place now is a school that Clara works at. The sign of the school was quite interesting because it
states that the Head of the Governing Body is "I. Chesterton" and the headmaster is "W. Coburn." The former being Ian Chesterton a character played by William Russell and one of the first ever companions, the latter sharing a surname with the writer of An Unearthly Child. And the last reference to An Unearthly Child was when Clara drove past a clock that showed the time to be sixteen minutes past five which was the exact time that An Unearthly Child aired on the 23 November 1963.

The episode moves along pretty quickly and the action starts almost as Clara steps into the TARDIS when an outer space adventure gets interrupted by UNIT. I was excited to see the return of Kate Stewart as her small part in The Power of Three really made me begin to like her. I liked Osgood too, but I felt like the whole "the Doctor will save us" was a bit too much and I would have liked it better if she embodied a fan better. Having said that I do like Ingrid Oliver and it wasn't her fault, the character just fell short for me.

It then transitions to Gallifrey and John Hurt's Doctor stopping a couple of Daleks. He then stills a weapon call the Moment which has it's own conscience. This then takes the form of a very familiar looking woman. I think that the bravest thing for Moffat to was to bring back Billie, but not the Billie we know. I understand that people wanted the return of Rose and this wasn't actually Rose, but the Moment, but honestly? Rose's story is said and done, she has her own Doctor in that parallel universe and I'd like to think that she has time-space adventures of her own. We never really needed Rose back and none of the other companions came back. In a way, it made the story richer, having Billie play the "Bad Wolf" instead because Bad Wolf was Rose's way of sensing that the Doctor needed help and somewhere in his conscience he still sees her as the one who can help and stop him from doing something he will regret. That's a point to you, Moffat.

The episode then moves along to the story of the Tenth Doctor and Queen Elizabeth having a what can only be described as a date. And then some confusion ensues when the Zygons decide to show up. Okay, I thought the whole Queen Elizabeth thing was a nice tie-up to the loose end that was sort of left behind by RTD. The one thing that still confuses me is why did Elizabeth let the Zygons go into the painting. I'll probably have to watch the episode again to see if I missed anything there, but other than that her role was likable. The return of the Zygons was pretty amazing too. Having not watched the Classic Series story yet, I only know the Zygons from the Stephen Cole story The Sting of the Zygons with Martha and Ten. And that is one of my favourite Doctor Who novels to date. So, yes, one could say that I was eagerly anticipating the Zygons. I liked that they didn't play big role in the story as the villains, but I felt like the story of them was forgotten a long the way. I understand that they were negotiating a treaty, but maybe a call of visit from Kate at the end would have helped us see if it was a success and that the people of Earth don't always need the Doctor to help them save the day. Although, I didn't mind because the real stars of the show were the Doctors.

Of course, the return of Gallifrey must have always been in the cards, it's the Fiftieth after all. And thanks to the Moment we got to see all three Doctors in Gallifrey during the last day of the Time War. Someday, I would love to see Gallifrey in all its restored glory. The introduction of John Hurt's Doctor was great and I believe that John Hurt was the only man who could pull off a character like him. Although he looked old, the War Doctor was still quite youthful in some of the things he did. I particularly liked his little interaction with Clara and the sort of grandfatherly caring side he had. And she was so sweet to him too. I would have loved to see more his Doctor.

Talking about interactions, I loved the comedic elements of Ten and Eleven's bickering and teasing of one another and the War Doctor's constant insults about them being younger than him. Particularly love the comment that he made to Matt's Doctor about flapping his hands about. Also liked the interactions between Clara and Ten and between the War Doctor and the Moment. I felt like, although they bickered, they truly did want to stick together.

The episode did have some fan pleasing moments too. Like a certain curator, a certain person's eyes and a certain few somebodies coming to help save the day. As well as the many nods to the Classic Series and the return of the Zygons.

I honestly thought that the episode was not meant to be a nostalgia trip and was meant to be more of a celebration. The subtle hints and the not so subtle hints didn't draw away from the story line. I loved the fact that the end was looking forward rather than looking back because it was a way of saying "Here's to fifty more." I absolutely adored the way it ended with the Doctor telling us about his dream and finally having a definite destination in his future.

"Gallifrey Falls No More."

My Favourite Doctor Who Stories: Specials

To add to the celebrations of the Fiftieth Anniversary year, I have decided to post my favourite stories from Doctor Who since its revival in 2005. Every Saturday I will post a list of my favourite stories from each series leading up to the week before the Fiftieth Anniversary. Feel free to also share your thoughts in the comments below.

5. Voyage of the Damned by Russell T Davies
Who can't resist the Titanic in space? I mean it's a literal space! Okay, so it wasn't the real Titanic, but it will do. This episode brought together a whole array of misfit characters (and Kylie Minogue who just wanted to see the stars) to help the Doctor save Earth and the passengers of the ship. Never will I look at Christmas angels the same again. The fast pace and the revelation that you can't always save the people who deserve it the most was the cherry on top for me. 
Highlight(s) of the episode: "I'm the Doctor. I'm a Timelord. I'm from the Planet Gallifrey on the Constellation of Kastaborus. I'm 903 and three year old and I'm the man who is gonna save your lives and all 6 billion people on the planet below. You got a problem with that?"

4. The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe by Steven Moffat
In my opinion, I think that this may be one of the most overlooked Christmas specials. I really felt that this episode brought about the real
essence of family and love which is what Christmas is all about. The whole conflict arises when the Doctor just wants to give those kids a little present. Something to make them feel happy before they get told some really bad news. And in the end, everything is good because it's Christmas and miracles can happen.
Highlight(s) of the episode: The Arwell family, especially Madge. I really think Claire Skinner was a perfect choice to play Madge, she has that motherly role down to a tee. I also loved the interactions between the Doctor and the kids. I think it would be great if the Arwell family could appear again sometime even if it is in a small way. 

3. The Waters of Mars by Russell T Davies and Phil Ford
On a small visit to Mars, the Doctor realises that something more sinister is going on. His instincts tell him that it's a fixed point in time and he should leave, but his heart is telling him to stay and try to save these people. This episode really showed how far the Doctor has come, how many lives he's had to sacrifice because of his Timelord knowledge and how much he's tired of doing it. By the end of the episode, he's bordering on crazy, thinking that he can take time into his own hands. 
Highlight(s) of the episode: It' hard to choose a moment that stands out the most, but I think the best moment is when Adelaide Brookes tells the Doctor that the Timelord Victorious is wrong and takes her own life knowing that she was meant to die. 

2. The Snowmen by Steven Moffat
Christmas has always been a special time for the Doctor and especially for Matt's Doctor who is like a kid himself and to see him so distraught during Christmas was the most heartbreaking thing ever. And the fact
that it took one special woman and the word "Pond" to bring him out of hiding was wonderful. It really showed that the Doctor needed that slight push to help him get up and start saving the world again. And I'm happy that it was Clara. The return of the Paternoster Gang was also fantastic and I'll forgive Moffat for turning one of the Doctor's foes into comic relief because I really do like Strax.
Highlight(s) of the episode: Vastra's one word interview with Clara and the Doctor dressing up as Sherlock Holmes. 

1. The Christmas Invasion by Russell T Davies
David Tennant's first full episode as the Doctor and he spends most of it sleeping? As I've said before, Series 1 and 2 was when RTD was at his prime, I'm not saying that Series 3 and 4 weren't good, but some of the other episodes had to pick up the slack sometimes and his resolutions weren't always well thought out. Back to the episode at hand, The Christmas Invasion tops my list because it really brought up the fact that Doctor is a show that changes while giving us a familiar environment: the Powell Estate with Mickey and Jackie. I liked the fact that for most of the episode the humans had to carry out the discussions because it shows that the Doctor can't always be there to save the day and sometimes we have to be prepared for a possible alien invasion. But in true Doctor fashion, he comes back just in time to save the day and stop the Sycorax from taking over the planet. This was the first ever Christmas special of the revival and I think it really did set a standard for all other Christmas specials that followed. Seeing the Doctor as a new man, sharing a Christmas dinner with Rose, Jackie and Mickey was the beginning of Christmas being the Doctor's day.
Highlight(s) of the episode: When the Doctor wakes up and gives his "Lion King" speech to the Sycorax.

Episodes of note: The End of Time Part 1 and 2
This gets a special mention because it was the departure of David Tennant as the Doctor and it marked the end of the RTD era. The reason it didn't make my list? I honestly felt like something was missing from it as if Russell wasn't putting his all into it because it was a fantastic story and would have been a brilliant departure for Ten. Having said that, I was upset when Daivd left, he really did embody the whole character of the Doctor well and I would have given anything to have him stay on for another series which is why I'm so happy that he's coming back for the 50th anniversary special. 

My Favourite Doctor Who Stories: Series 7

To add to the celebrations of the Fiftieth Anniversary year, I have decided to post my favourite stories from Doctor Who since its revival in 2005. Every Saturday I will post a list of my favourite stories from each series leading up to the week before the Fiftieth Anniversary. Feel free to also share your thoughts in the comments below.

5. The Crimson Horror by Mark Gatiss
This episode played out like an old detective story where the pieces were being put together in front of our eyes. The return of the Paternoster Gang was a wonderful relief and the mystery of "The Crimson Horror" was something that definitely kept me on my toes. I loved that the story followed Vastra, Jenny and Strax more, allowing us to see it more from their perspective.
Highlight(s) of the episode: The Doctor's Yorkshire accent and, real life mother and daughter duo, Rachel Stirling and Diana Rigg as Ada and Mrs Gillyflower respectively.

4. A Town Called Mercy by Toby Whithouse
I'm not much of a fan of the old west, but I really did enjoy this episode. It really showed just how damaged the Doctor is and just how much he needs a companion. It reflected just how volatile the Doctor can become
and that he really does have a darker side to him. The episode also proved that sometimes the real monsters aren't the science experiments, but rather the scientists themselves.
Highlight(s) of the episode: Amy stopping the Doctor from allowing Kahler Jax to die.

3. The Angels Take Manhattan by Steven Moffat
New York City, the Weeping Angels and a heartbreaking end. The angels are back and this time they're sending people to the 1940's. Of course, being a Moffat episode, everything is a bit wibbly wobbly. River Song makes a return for what seems like the penultimate time and this time she's known as Melody Malone of the Angel Detective Agency. Then there's that soul wrenching rooftop scene with Amy and Rory. Then just when you think it's all over and that the Pond family are actually going to have a happy ending, your heart gets ripped out again. But it was a good ending and Mr and Mrs Pond finally got what they wanted: a normal life.
Highlight(s) of the episode: Amy and Rory getting a happily ever after, although not the one some wanted, but they did get to live to an old age and Rory did get his wish of growing old with Amy. I also loved the concept of incorporating a novel written by one of the characters into the story as a sort of means to send a message. Also, Amy's afterword to the Doctor.

2. Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS by Stephen Thompson
I've always wanted an episode where we got to see more of the TARDIS. I absolutely loved getting to see the infamous swimming pool, the Doctor's
library and what exactly keeps the TARDIS flying. The fact that the TARDIS is so big that it can hide bad things that even the Doctor doesn't know about sent shivers down my spine. I enjoyed the story line of the Van Baalen brothers and that even after time reset itself the events still left echoes of it within everyone.
Highlight(s) of the episode: The chance to see more of the TARDIS, my favourite place being the study/library for obvious reasons.

1. The Name of the Doctor by Steven Moffat
I'm pretty sure you know why this episode has made it to the top of my list. It was the episode that this entire series has led up to. Finally, secrets are revealed and the nature of what Trenzalore is was discovered. The story was pretty good and the overall concept was also intriguing. Having both the Great Intelligence and Clara play an important part in the story was wonderful as those two have quite literally been the red herrings throughout the entire second part. And, as I've said before, the fact that the actions of Clara make her special shows that travelling with the Doctor has changed her.
Highlight(s) of the episode: The TARDIS being so distraught that she makes herself the monument to the Doctor and the return (and sad departure) of River Song.

Episodes of note: The Power of Three and Asylum of the Daleks
The Power of Three gets a special mention for it being from the perspective of Amy and Rory and how their lives are changing and for the introduction of Kate Stewart who is the daughter of the much loved Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart. The only reason that it didn't make my countdown was because the story line was a bit weak and the resolution wasn't much of a resolution.
Asylum of the Daleks would have made it onto my countdown, but after watching it I felt like there was something missing. The introduction to Oswin Oswald and the return of the Daleks was enough to let it get a special mention, but the episode left me with more questions than answers.


The greenlight at
the end of the bay. 
The sunflower tracing
the path of the sun. 
The promise that
each new sunrise is
a new beginning. 
The kiss of life,
the anesthetic of death. 
Never dying.
Always evolving.

My Favourite Doctor Who Stories: Series 6

To add to the celebrations of the Fiftieth Anniversary year, I have decided to post my favourite stories from Doctor Who since its revival in 2005. Every Saturday I will post a list of my favourite stories from each series leading up to the week before the Fiftieth Anniversary. Feel free to also share your thoughts in the comments below.

5. The Girl Who Waited by Tom McRae
This was the episode that really, at least for me, cemented Rory and Amy's relationship. It really showed how much Rory cared for Amy and how much Amy needs Rory. This episode, again, allowed the Doctor to step back and let Rory and Amy's relationship to progress. The acting from Arthur and Karen was beautiful. Tell me I'm not the only one who got a pit in their stomach when Older Amy was talking to Rory from the other side of the TARDIS door.
Highlight(s) of the episode: The acting of Karen as a more aged version of herself. I read somewhere that they wanted to get someone else to play an older Amy, but Karen insisted on taking lessons and playing both roles. Also Amy's speech about Rory being the most beautiful person she had ever met.

4. Wedding of River Song by Steven Moffat
This was the episode that came full circle. After the mid-series finale where we find out who River Song really is, we though that there couldn't
be anything more that would surprise us. Lo and behold, we got a wedding. This episode played out well and the different elements that were set out from the beginning of the series really tied everything up. This was a great end to a more darker series.
Highlight(s) of the episode: The wedding of River Song and the Doctor, you can really see that they did marry each other for love. Also the fact that the Doctor wasn't actually dead.

3. The Rebel Flesh/ The Almost People by Matthew Graham
Can anyone say creepy? This two-parter was definitely up there on my things that creep me out list. I think the thing that made it creepy was the fact that it was real humans using science that could actually be real in a few years time. This could be what the future holds for us. The fact that the flesh or gangers actually felt real human emotions and the memories of their human doubles made them seem more real, more human. It was great to see, once again, the tension between humans and another species that could take over. It was also great to see that this wasn't a one-sided win. Some flesh people died and some humans died, and what they gained from all that was to teach others that gangers can be good and are capable of compassion.
Highlight(s) of the episodes: The human-ganger relationships and the fact that they found a way for them to actually live a together.

2. The Doctor's Wife by Neil Gaiman
This episode. Wow. This episode was pure brilliance. The concept of making the TARDIS into a living, talking being had never crossed my mind until I read the premise of this episode. We all knew that the TARDIS was a living entity, we knew that she could think for herself and that she was able to understand the Doctor at times. It is said by some that the bond between a TARDIS and a Timelord is something that is almost unbreakable. To have the opportunity to see these two interact was an absolute blessing. I applaud you, Mr Gaiman. You really out-did yourself this time.
Highlight(s) of this episode: I think you know what was the highlight of this episode. Having said that, I would also like to say that the end when the TARDIS finally has to leave her weak, mortal body was one of the most heartbreaking scenes ever. The relationships the Doctor has with his companions will never amount to the relationship he has with his TARDIS. After all, after they're gone it's just him and her out to explore the universe.

1. The Impossible Astronaut/ Day of the Moon by Steven Moffat
America 1969, the moon landing, the Doctor's death and scary creatures that you forget when you look away. This definitely a unique way ti kick off a new series. The first five minutes not only set the tone for the rest of the two-parter, but also for the rest of the series. Was just me or did the whole series become darker every time you remembered the Doctor getting shot by that astronaut by Lake Silencio? The introduction of the silence and what they were was perfect. The play on American conspiracies about the Men in Black and having your memories altered was great with a touch of now-I-don't-know-if there-really-is-a-monster under-my-bed-and-even-if-I-checked-I-wouldn't-remember.
Highlight(s) of the episodes: Mark Sheppard as Canton Everett Delaware III, when the Doctor beats the Silence by using the Silence and the end of Day of the Moon where the young girl (who is actually Melody) regenerates. That's what you call a cliff hanger.

Episode(s) of note: Let's Kill Hitler and Night Terrors
Let's Kill Hitler mainly for the fact that it gave us more of a Melody/River back story the reason it didn't make my list was because there was a lot more River and a lot less Hitler. Night Terrors just almost made it onto my list too because of its genuine scariness and Matt interacting with a child again. The reason it didn't make my list? Believe it or not, but it's because it was too scary that I didn't want to bring back the memories of those creepy dolls.

My Favourite Doctor Who Stories: Series 5

To add to the celebrations of the Fiftieth Anniversary year, I have decided to post my favourite stories from Doctor Who since its revival in 2005. Every Saturday I will post a list of my favourite stories from each series leading up to the week before the Fiftieth Anniversary. Feel free to also share your thoughts in the comments below.

5. The Lodger by Gareth Roberts
This episode was a healthy relief from the previous episode which were filled with emotionally heartwrenching moments. This companion-lite episode was full of good humour and suspense as we didn't know exactly what was lurking up in that second floor. The interactions between the Doctor and Craig was refreshing to see and was a good break from having Amy as his companion. All in all, this was a lighthearted, fun episode that was needed to break the tension between the episodes.
Highlight(s) of the episode: The Doctor having to actually share a place with someone and him learning boundaries as I'm pretty sure the TARDIS has more than enough rooms and showers for there not to be any need for him to ever have to share a bathroom with a companion.

4. Hungry Earth/Cold Blood by Chris Chibnall
The return of the Silurians and this time round they have a new look. This two-parted was teeming with intrigue and kept me glued to the screen. It was great to see the interactions between not only the Doctor Silurians, but also the Silurians and the humans. The episode really highlighted real world issues such as sharing our land with another species and actually getting something out of working together. The story line was simple and followed the same structure as most humans having to live with other species stories, but the acting and dialogue was good. On a bit of a side note: I think Chris Chibnall really does great stories, just not for and the Doctor Who. I feel like Broadchurch was a far better series to showcase his writing ability.
Highlight(s) of the episodes: The new look Silurians which is a big deal for me because I hate lizards and to actually like the way lizard-people look is alarming.

3. The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang by Steven Moffat
As I've dubbed it, this two-parter was definitely a Moffatsode. Sometimes I think he just does things to confuse us and through us off course. Which in a way gets really annoying because it makes him think that he's smarter than us. Now, I'm not hating on Moffat, in fact I see him as one of my role models. He knows how to come up with new ideas or approach a classic story from a different angle which is a talent I would like to possess. Sometimes I think he just does things to mess with us. Anyway, a lot of people found this episode confusing and hard to keep up with, but I didn't. Although it did leave me some questions which I'm told is going to be answered very soon. This episode was a typical edge-of-your seat, waiting in anticipation type story line. You wanted to find out what was going to happen, but you didn't want it to end.
Highlight(s) of the episodes: Rory punching the Doctor and the Doctor'[d "Brand new and ancient" story that he told young Amy. My favourite line has got be when he says "We're all just stories in the end, just make this a good one"

2. Amy's Choice by Simon Nye
Thanks to Simon Nye I will forever be scared of old, sleepy villages and old people. This episode was like a 45-minute Doctor Who version of Inception. It took two aspects that Doctor Who is about; outer space and the undiscovered reaches of our universe and aliens attacking Earth. It was also an episode where the Doctor had to step back and really showcase Amy and Rory's relationship. This was the first time in a long time that the Doctor was actually travelling with a couple that were truly in love. The episode, conveniently called Amy's Choice, was all about the choices that had to be made by Amy. Would she choose the fast-paced, crazy life of the Doctor or the more laid-back, humble lifestyle of Rory. The end was a twist we didn't see coming when we find out who the Dream Lord really was.
Highlight(s) of the episode: Toby Jones as the Dream Lord and Amy finally realisng that she truly loves Rory. Also the scary old people.

1. Vincent and the Doctor by Richard Curtis
Words cannot express how much I love this episode. I have always been a fan of Vincent van Gogh since we learnt about him in school, but this
episode really reignited the love I had for him previously. It really showed the crippling effect that mental illness has on people. But it was also the fact that Vincent was never really appreciated for the hard work he put into his paintings. This is something that I hold dearly to my heart because I sometimes feel like no one actually sees the effort I put into my writing. I'm not saying that I'm as good as Vincent, but I am saying that we don't really see or truly understand the work done by others if it's about something that we don't like. This episode was emotionally crippling and just so tenderly beautiful. Even the bad-guy turned out to be just another lost, misunderstood little creature.
Highlight(s) of the episode: The whole thing, just every bit of it.

Episode(s) of note: The Eleventh Hour
This episode gets a special mention because it was great introduction to Matt as the Doctor, it showed his more childish side and the threat of the Atraxi wasn't something that overshadowed the introduction of the Doctor's eleventh incarnation and his new companion, Amy Pond. Best part? When the Doctor calls the Atraxi back and after asking "Is this world protected?" and the montage of all the previous Doctors play as Matt walks up in his full bow-tie wearing glory and says "Hello, I'm the Doctor, Basically, run."

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