Clara Who? (Part 2)

by Apollo

So a few weeks ago I posted this little article on all the Clara Oswald theories circulating and I thought I would follow it up with my final theories seeing as it's the series finale next Saturday.

A few things have cropped up over the past few episodes that hint at who Clara Oswald may be and there have also been more Rose references. In The Bells of Saint John the Doctor puts a vase of roses by her bedside, in Hide she walks past a crate that says "Rose" (as in the wine) on it and in Cold War she sings Hungry like the Wolf by Duran Duran. Previously I had dismissed all theories about Clara being connected to Rose, but I think I may have a theory that could allow all these multiple references make sense. We now know that both David Tennant and Billie Piper are returning for the fiftieth anniversary, it has been hinted that the finale leads into the fiftieth and it seems like they will be playing a big role in it.

"I want you safe, my Doctor."
My first theory is that Clara was created by Rose. Hold on, I know what you're saying, how was she created by Rose? You don't mean that she's Rose and Ten.5 child? No, that's disgusting, the Doctor kissed her and he does seem very attracted to her! Let's cast our minds back to the Series 1 finale The Parting of the Ways when Rose creates the Bad Wolf. She looks into the heart of the TARDIS because she wants to save the Doctor. She absorbs all the energy and she can see everything, the past, the present and the future just to save him because she wants him safe. If she could see everything, couldn't she see what will happen to him in the future. That he may need help at some point in his life? So, what if she created someone who could help him? The perfect companion aka Clara Oswald. In the prequel She Said, He Said the Doctor says that she's too perfect. In one of the previews one of the pieces of dialogue is "I'm Clara Oswald and I was born to save the Doctor." She was born to save the Doctor, her sole purpose is to save the Doctor. She's done it twice before in Asylum of the Daleks and The snowmen, but what if those parts of her were just to spark his curiosity in her and lead him to modern day Clara where she will, ultimately, save him from the fields of Trenzalore. Rose has placed her in different places and eras knowing that somehow the Doctor will find her and take her as his companion. This could explain why the TARDIS doesn't like her because she's anomaly, just like Captain Jack and in series 3 she tried to also get rid of him. Rose doesn't remember what she saw when she absorbed all that time energy so she won't remember what she had seen or done. Maybe, somehow Clara and Eleven have to find Rose and Ten to solve Clara's problem or something thus accounting for their involvement in the fiftieth anniversary.

Clara dressed as Ace
In the same preview mentioned above I have noticed that she is dressed up in different outfits namely one that looks out of the eighties and another from the seventies. I read some of the comments and seems as if they resemble Ace and Sarah Jane Smith when she first met the Doctor. I'm not sure what this could mean, but I'm assuming that it still has something to do with her being the perfect companion. She possess qualities from each companion that the Doctor has ever had. I assuming that the outfits are more about what she's going to do in the episode rather than what she is actually, but I thought I would just point it out.

Maybe Doctor Simeon knows
the truth?
My other theory is that she is a manifestation of the Doctor's mind, created by him for him. The Doctor is old and he has traveled to the farthest reaches of the galaxy, but what if in one of his adventures something got into his mind and thought up the most perfect companion alive and scattered her throughout time and space to allure him toward her. Thus accounting for the two other Claras he has met before. We also know that Doctor Simeon and the Great Intelligence are returning, could it be that she was created by them as a sort of experiment and while she was being created she heard these stories about a man called the Doctor who saves universes and helps people in need and instead of turning into something evil to fight against the Doctor she turns into someone good, who wants to save him, knowing what will happen in Trenzalore. She tries to escape and in some way gets split into different people from different times, but with the same personality, waiting to meet the Doctor and save him, but in the split she has lost all memory of him. This theory may need a bit of work, though and it seems to parallel with River's story in Series 6.

"Aren't I a clever girl?"
I didn't come up with this theory, but I did read about it on various occasions: Clara is CAL from the Library. Although, some minor continuity errors and the fact that CAL was a little girl in that computer for a long time, it could actually be slightly plausible. Doctor Who magazine released some spoilers about the finale and one of them was that  post-Library River returns. If post-Library River can return back into her human form then maybe CAL could too, and age a little in the process. In Forest of the Dead CAL said "Aren't I a clever girl" and Clara's repeated phrase, "Run you clever boy and remember," both allude to the intelligence of a person. CAL referring to herself and Clara referring to the Doctor. The "and remember" part could also be her urging him to remember her from the library. This theory is good, but it doesn't explain why he met her before.

In an interview, Jenna-Louise Coleman said something that made me scratch my head a little. She said, "The Doctor hasn't just meet Clara three times before." Three times before. But he's only met her twice before. This could be a slip on Jenna's part or a clue to something that might happen in the finale. Also judging from the preview and the fact that she's wearing previous companion's clothes it could mean that sometime in his other adventures as his previous forms, he has unknowingly meet her before.

The excitement for this episode is killing me. I can't wait to see the direction this goes with regards to her story and the Doctor's and if it is possible that both are connected in a way. I don't know how they're going to achieve it in one 45 minute episode or how I'm going to be able to study for my upcoming exams with this mystery plaguing my thoughts. Next Saturday is going to be one for the history books.