Fixing Alex Day's TARDIS Problem
by Apollo
Famous Youtuber Alex Day (Nerimon to some) wrote a post about a Doctor Who episode that he wrote the post goes as follows:
A few years ago, I wrote a script for an episode of Doctor Who as a writing exercise. The episode was called The Abandoned TARDIS - it’s a bit ropey but I’m really proud of it. The concept was that, although the Time Lords are all dead, there are still old TARDISes knocking about, abandoned, and the Doctor tracks one that has become unstable and needs to be neutralised (like when a battery starts leaking acid). Unfortunately, the abandoned TARDIS has been left in the cupboard under the stairs of a ten-year-old girl called Jessica, who doesn’t want to give up what to her is the ultimate playhouse … and that’s the premise of the story.

I never wanted to share this because I thought, y’know, on the off-chance I ever get to write for Doctor Who … but sadly my ending has now been invalidated by their recent season finale. In my ending, the Doctor takes the TARDIS to a graveyard where all TARDISes must go to die … and of course finds HIS TARDIS abandoned and decaying, because at some point in the future, he’ll have to go there.
But now it’s his tomb so whatever have my story internet (also at some point he uses a Magic 8-Ball to decide what to do, which I’m very proud of)
From this short synopsis I could tell that would make a good episode, especially with Matt Smith's Doctor, but Alex said that it wouldn't happen because of events in The Name of the Doctor. I think I may have found a way around that.
The TARDIS graveyard that the Doctor finds is...Trenzalore! Little is known about the history of Trenzalore and we only know now that it is a graveyard for time travelers, but what if previously it was a TARDIS graveyard? Then sometime between the TARDIS graveyard and now it turned into a time traveler's graveyard. When the Doctor finds his TARDIS in the graveyard he doesn't realise that the planet is Trenzalore until he looks at the co-ordinates. When the Doctor dies sometime in his future the TARDIS is so distraught that she makes herself his monument and it could follow that all the other tombstones followed after him. I just thought this up and may need a whole lot explaining in proper detail, but it's a great loophole and will bring that emotional element that I think Alex wanted.