How Doctor Who Has Shaped Me: The Good and The Bad.
by Apollo
A little over two years ago, I found out about a TV show called Doctor Who, the way I get all my news, via the internet. The first episode I watched was The Lazarus Experiment with Martha and Ten. I wish I could tell you what drew me in about the show, but I honestly can't. Perhaps, it was because it was so different to everything else I watched and seemed more of something that I would enjoy. Truth be told, I've never watched much science fiction shows, but I've always loved the concept of time travel (I even started to write a story about it in grade six) and I absolutely love history. And by love, I mean adore as in I don't mind writing four page essays about the Civil Rights Movement. I've also liked the idea of traveling to new worlds; the Chronicles of Narnia was my favourite series when I was kid and what really seared my love for storytelling. My point is that if you had told me that in 2013 my favourite TV show would be about a time traveling alien who changes his face and has a female companion I would have awkwardly laughed at you and walked away pretending like you weren't a complete mental case.
But, it has also brought out the slightly worse qualities in me. I've come realise that I'm three things I hate in a person: jealous, greedy and overprotective. The insecurities I have elevate these emotions incredibly to the point where I almost explode. I initially didn't want anyone I knew to find out about Doctor Who because I wanted it to be a sort of secret. Something that I could share with a select few people and the internet, but I have comprehended that it's too big of a show for people not find out about. There's a part of me that believes that the show will be ruined by people who don’t fully understand it and get excited for no particular reason, but then I realised that it will boost its popularity which means that it has a better chance of staying on air. So, I guess that was just the youngest-in-the-family-and- gets-what-she-wants in me showing a little too much. The overprotective part in me shows through whenever someone comments on an aspect of the show or the show as a whole and I go off on a tangent saying “What the hell? You're an idiot, if you didn't like that episode so much then why you don’t write a better episode!" Note that this takes place in my head as I scroll down to more pleasing comments, but I fear that I may not be able to hold my tongue in real life and I might just go tumblr fangirl meets the Hulk on one of my friends and I'll be ostracized forever. Okay, that was a bit of an over exaggeration, but you never know with me. In short, Doctor Who is such an inspiration to me and has changed me so much that I feel as if it's my responsibility to stop it from becoming something that I'll hate watching or watch for the sake of watching because the people around me have influenced the way I see it. I’m too forgone into this fandom to have that happen to me. To me it is not just a TV show, it has become my life. I have never been so attached to characters and places before, no other book or TV show has done that for me. But I've learnt to control these bad qualities and I seem more accepting, while still having mixed emotions.
Through this wonderful show I've have seen my full potential and found bucket loads of inspiration and maybe my dreams will one day come true. Who knows, maybe one day I'll be writing for Doctor Who. Every time a bad quality starts to inch its way out, a good quality is reflected back at ten times the strength. Doctor Who has shaped me into a good person and made me see the bad that I could become if lose myself. No show has this big of an impact on me and love Doctor Who for that. It will always be there, through the good and the bad.