My Favourite Doctor Who Stories: Series 3
by Apollo
To add to the celebrations of the Fiftieth Anniversary year, I have decided to post my favourite stories from Doctor Who since its revival in 2005. Every Saturday I will post a list of my favourite stories from each series leading up to the week before the Fiftieth Anniversary. Feel free to also share your thoughts in the comments below.
5. Utopia/Sound of Drums/Last of the Timelords by Russelll T Davies
I remember when I first watched these episodes, I was new to Doctor Who, I hadn't watched the series one and two and I was completely confused when that strange man with the trenchcoat decided to cling on to the TARDIS for dear life. It didn't take me long to warm up to him, though and I'm told that most people felt that way when they first saw Captain Jack Harkness. He has a wonderful charisma about him that allows you to trust him and want to like him. Seeing him return was just amazing. But Captain Jack wasn't the only character to return to the series, the Master also made his comeback in this non-stop three partner. First played by the wonderful Derek Jacobi, then by John Simm when he regenerated, this Master was crazy beyond belief. This episode also highlighted what a magnificent person Martha Jones is as it showed her determination, strength and intelligence. The ending may have been rushed, but the journey to it was fantastic.
Highlight(s) of the episodes: Martha Jones walking the Earth to spread the story of the Doctor and the return of both Captain Jack and the Master.
4. Gridlock by Russell T Davies
This episode set in stone the fact that the Doctor was still hung up on losing Rose. He brings Martha to New New York which, as you already know, is the place where Rose and Ten had their first adventure. It opened

Highlight(s) of the episode: The end when Martha asks the Doctor to tell her about Gallifrey and his face just sort of lights up with the thought of his home. Also, when the Face of Boe sacrificed himself to save all those people trapped in highway.
3. The Shakespeare Code by Gareth Roberts
On Martha's first adventure through time and space, the Doctor decides to take her to see a Shakespearean play in its original format and maybe even meet the genius himself. And, in true Doctor Who fashion, they meet a few witches along the way, or aliens rather. The whole theme of words and patterns within the story line was brilliant and played well with regards to it being a Shakespeare themed episode. It allowed for comic relief as well as the growing trust that the Doctor and Martha have for each other.
Hightlight(s) of the episode: The constant references to Harry Potter and JK Rowling and the nods towards some famous Shakespearean lines.
2. Human Nature/ The Family of Blood by Paul Cornell
These two episodes were two of the most cleverly planned out episodes in
New Who history. The ability for Timelords to change to a human was something that provided the Doctor with so,ething that he never had before: the chance to live the life he never had before. The whole John Smith/Joan Redfern storyline was truly heartwarming and gave us a glimpse of how the Doctor's life could have been if he decided to stay in 1913 with her. It was also a chance for Martha to showcase her talents and prove to the Doctor that she wasn't the rebound and she won't settle for being "the other woman". She was strong, brave and quick to realise what was happening, eventually being the one to convince John Smith to change back into the Doctor.
Highlight(s) of the episodes: Honestly, it's hard to think of one thing that stood out for me. The overall acting in this two-parter was amazing and a special mention has to go out to the supporting cast of Harry Lloyd, Jessica Hayne and Thomas Sangster as Jeremy Baines, Nurse Joan Redfern and Timothy Latimer respectively.
1. Blink by Steven Moffat
I think everyone can agree with me that this episode was by far the best episode of the series. This Doctor-lite episode was so enthralling and mind boggingly scary that we didn't mind that the Doctor wasn't it for more than about ten minutes. The episode is written from the perspective of a person whose life is affected by the Doctor, but doesn't end up travelling with. It shows how the Doctor leaves his mark everywhere he goes, influencing people that he's only met once before. And, like every Moffat story, it's all "wibbly-wobbly" seeing as Sally gets a message from 1969 from a Doctor that she only meets a year into the future. Then there are the Weeping Angels, the seemingly harmless, yet completely terrifying race of aliens that can only move when someone isn't looking at them. I have no idea where Moffat cooked up that, but it worked extremely well for the episode. Overall, the story wasn't rushed, it had the right amount of suspense and Carey Mulligan as Sally Sparrow really was the cherry on top.
Highlight(s) of the episode: The dialogue between the Doctor and Sally Sparrow and his infamous "Don't blink" speech.
Episode(s) of note: Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks
These episodes get a special mention not for the Daleks, but for the setting of New York during the Great Depression. So many movies and TV shows focus on New York during the Jazz Age, choosing to show the glitz and carelessness while forgetting to show the aftermath of it all. I think that this episode really opened people's eyes up to the fact that New York wasn't always the greatest city and the don't-care-a-damn nature of the people really did have hug consequences.